Stylist Policies: "Can I Bring My Kids With Me?"

There are some people who would argue that "children are part of our society and as such, should be allowed everywhere."

While I, myself, have 2 kids [5 and 8...omg they are getting big 😫], I understand that there are appropriate places to bring them and inappropriate places. 

IMO, the salon is not a place for kids. Especially if you're trying to charge more for your services and offer a luxury experience for your clients.

If you're not, then I am not the right business coach for you. I'll just go out there and say it now because I believe that every stylist can build wealth by working smarter and less.

The way to do this is by creating a one-of-a-kind experience that has people jumping at a chance to sit in your chair.

Having kids running around the salon makes people want to jump OUT of the chair. Totally opposite of what we're going for [especially if you're down with my working less and making more mantra]. 

Gyms would be another place where children are typically not allowed: because they can get hurt, and it's a LIABILITY.

YEP, that child gets hurt and you get sued.

Not to mention, if you don't have an LLC separating your Business and Personal Assets, it means the client can come after you for BOTH.

Bothhhhh. It just isn't worth it. 

Instead of trying to drill this into your head, I want to give you some helpful answers to some of these objections I've gotten on my Instagram when I decide to post stuff that makes me a metaphorical punching bag for the keyboard warriors 🥊


Objection 01. This is my policy, but clients bring their kids anyway.

Refuse the service. If a client knows your policy and didn't ask if it was ok beforehand, then they don't respect your boundaries as a business owner.

I don't want any clients to sit in my chair unless they VALUE, TRUST, and RESPECT me. Those are my non-negotiables for a client to book and maintain a space in my chair. 

Objection 02. I've never had an issue before so I allow kids in my space.

I really do believe that your business is none of mine. However, I would really challenge you to think about that mostly for the legal repercussions if something⎯God forbid⎯did happen. 

It could cost you your business. For me, it isn't worth it. Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

Objection 03. I only allow well behaved children in my space, so that's ok.

I think we both can agree that discrimination is not something we should hold in our business. To me, saying someone can't while someone else can isn't what I want to be known for.

Again, your business is none of mine! I'm here to challenge your thoughts. At the end of the day, if you decide to continue doing what works best for you, I'm not going to fault you for it. 

Objection 04. I'm still building, will this policy make me lose clients?

There will always be someone who looks at a policy and thinks: "not for me." We actually WANT that! 

We don't want to accommodate everyone, even if you're still building (btw...we're always building). Creating clear policies will help you set important boundaries from the get-go. 

I know I speak for a lot of stylists when I say I wish I had strict policies for myself and for my clients from the very beginning. 

Objection 05. What if my client has a newborn and wants to get their hair done?

This is basically the only time I will allow my client to bring their baby while getting their hair done. Typically, newborns sleep the entire time and maybe wakeup a few times to eat/be changed. 

I don't have to worry about wandering hands or little feet running all over. It makes the situation more controllable. 

In the end, I do believe that kids and salons don't mix. If you're on the same page but don't know where to start with creating this policy or how to enforce it, I've got you!

On the next blog I'll cover the implementation process and give you ideas of a few policies you should have. This one I'm really excited for. 

If you've been loving the Business Building Tips & Advice, take a look at joining the Revive Waitlist⎯it's my signature business course for starting & scaling independent stylists⎯if you would like more info about Revive, just tap here and I'll give you all the details.

See you on the next one, friend ♥︎